
Black Knight, White Pawn Ch11

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Chapter Eleven - Dinner and Decisions


Tohru placed the last part of the last Dragon roll on the last plate, sighing happily as she did so.  She looked at her handiwork, eleven plates ready to be served, complete with two types of sushi and garnish.  "And that's that!"  She let out a sigh of relief, then decided it was time to check on dessert.

Lau continued to smile as Ran Mao leaned against him.  She looked like she'd fallen asleep, her eyes closed.  Kyo leaned against the counter top.

Tohru continued to smile happily.  Her melon pan dessert seemed to be turning out well.  She just hoped that everyone would enjoy it. "Just a few more minutes and it should be done!"

Bard stared at each plate of sushi.  It was hard to believe that what had just been a pot of rice and various odds and ends, in his mind, had somehow turned into this culinary masterpiece.  He had to give her credit, she knew how to cook and it looked amazing.  He sniffed appreciatively.  "I could eat now," he said, drooling.

"Something that would be entirely inappropriate," Sebastian said as he entered the room.

Bard jumped to attention.  "Mr. Sebastian!  Sir!"

Sebastian blinked at the chef, then cleared his throat. "Yes, well then, if everything is ready, might I suggest retiring to the dining room?  I was able to procure a table more suitable to such a meal.  It was delivered only half an hour ago.  I hope it will meet with your approval."  He looked directly at Tohru who blushed.  "May I show you?"

Kyo grumbled under his breath, wondering if the butler was flirting with her on purpose, or if it was just his personality, or his own imagination.  He wasn't really sure.

Sebastian led them up to the dining room where a long, but low table had been set up at one end, the other table having been moved out of the way.  Cushions had been placed instead of chairs to make kneeling or sitting more comfortable.

Lau followed behind.  "Ah!  Mr. Sebastian, I approve!"  He nodded at the setting of chopsticks, mugs for tea, and goblets for wine, not exactly Oriental, but still appropriate in his mind.  There was even a little flowered vase at either end.

Tohru beamed.  "It's amazing!  But how did you get such a table so quickly?  I don't imagine it's something that's exactly fairly common in England, right?"

Sebastian smiled.  "No, it's not, but what kind of butler would I be if I couldn't do this much?  After all, I am one hell of a butler."

Tohru blinked.  She wasn't sure if what he'd said was reasonable or not.  She supposed it didn't really matter.  "All right then!  Maybe we should call everyone down?"

At that moment, the main door opened and Ciel entered, with Lizzy right behind him.  "It looks like our timing is perfect," he commented, seeing all of his guests there, Lau, Ran Mao, Tohru and Kyo.  He eyed the table a little oddly but decided against asking.  Sebastian probably had planned it the moment he'd given Tohru his consent to prepare a meal.

Sebastian moved to his master's side.  "Young Master, Lady Elizabeth."  He bowed them into their seats, setting Ciel at the head of the table, with Lizzy on his right.  He left the others to sort out their own arrangements.

Lizzy clapped her hands as she settled down onto her cushion.  "Oh this is so exciting!  I've never had a real Japanese dinner before!"

Bard entered the room at that moment, pushing a cart with the sushi-laden plates on it, enough for everyone seated.  Mey-Rin and Finni were already enjoying their own servings downstairs while Tanaka accompanied the chef to the dining room.  To keep Bard from accidentally dropping a plate in his excitement, Sebastian took over serving with Tanaka's help.

Ciel looked down at his plate in surprise.  The beautifully arranged Dragon roll curved around the Nigiri sushi in a single graceful line, accented with garnish and wasabi.  There was even a small bowl of soy sauce placed appealing on the plate.

"It looks amazing," Lizzy exclaimed.  "May I try it?"  She looked over at Tohru.

The older girl blushed. "Sure!  Please do!"

Kyo clapped his hands together in a very quick prayer, Lau doing the same, bowing towards the table before picking up his chopsticks while Tanaka came around pouring tea into the mugs and Sebastian poured wine for those who would drink it.  The ginger-haired boy didn't waste any time in getting started on his meal.

Lau took a bite of his Dragon roll and smiled in appreciation.  "Now that is good sushi," he complimented.  "Just as good as I remember it."

Tohru beamed happily at the looks of surprise on everyone's faces.  They all seemed to be enjoying their food.  She just hoped it would last throughout the rest of the meal.  She was so busy watching everyone else eat that she almost forgot to eat her own.

Kyo looked up from his plate and stared at her.  "Hey, you gonna eat or what?"

Tohru came out of her cloud.  "Oh!  Right!  Sorry!  I was just thinking, isn't it great how everyone's sitting down and enjoying themselves?  It's like a fairytale or something."  She continued to smile as she began eating.

Ciel had to smile at her comments.  "I suppose it is like a fairy tale."

Lizzy's face lit up seeing him smile.  "A good fairy tale."

Sebastian covered a smirk at Ciel's startled expression.  He'd momentarily disappeared to rescue Tohru's melon bread from the oven before it could burn.  "More tea?"  He went around with the pot, pouring tea where requested.

Lizzy turned to the earl.  "Ciel," she gave him her best earnest expression, "do you think we could go into Town tomorrow?  I don't believe either Tohru or Kyo have seen it yet, am I right?  Wouldn't that be a treat for them both?  Please?"

Ciel almost dropped his chopsticks at her sudden barrage.  "Town?  Why would I want to go there, except on business, at this time of year, or ever?"

Tohru clapped her hands in delight.  "You mean London, right?  Is it far from here?  Oh, I'd love to see it!  Wouldn't you, Kyo?"

Kyo looked up from his plate. "Huh?  London?  What about it?"

Tohru leaned forward a bit.  "Wouldn't you like to visit it just this once?  I mean, while we have the chance?  It's an opportunity we might not have again."

Kyo picked up another piece of sushi.  "Doesn't matter to me."

Lizzy practically squealed.  Ciel had to cave in now.  "See?  Tohru and Kyo want to see it too, and they might never get the opportunity to again!"  Realizing what she'd just said, she paused, then looked at Tohru.  "Wait, does that mean you didn't come through any part London to get here?  You came around the other way?"  

Tohru smiled.  There was no real way to explain everything without making things more complicated than they were so she opted to go with the simple version.  "Yep!  We actually got lost in the woods on our way home from school when Sebastian found us."

Lizzy turned to the butler, smiling brilliant. "Thank you, Mr. Sebastian!  If you hadn't found them, then I would never have met them and made new friends!"

Sebastian looked mildly surprised at her thanks but smiled graciously at them.  "I was only doing my duty as a butler to the Phantomhive family.  No thanks are necessary, though they are appreciated."

Ciel sighed over his cup of tea.  "I suppose there's no point in arguing with you," he said to Elizabeth.  "Very well.  We will go tomorrow."

Lizzy practically sprang up from her cushions.  "Yay!  Thank you!"  She reached over and hugged the startled earl.  "We'll all have so much fun!  I just know it!"


Morning came bright and beautiful, with clear skies and promises of fair weather.  Ciel stared out the window of his bedroom and sighed.

Sebastian smiled in amusement as he set his master's clothes on the bed.  "Something troubling you, Young Master?"

Ciel continued to stare out over the grounds.  "You know quite well, Sebastian.  I really don't care for London.  The society is crowding and it's very easy to get lost if one is not paying attention."  After a moment, he walked over to his bed and let his butler help him dress.  "Not to mention other things."

Sebastian began buttoning the earl's shirt.  "And yet you go quite willingly when the Lady Elizabeth asks," he observed.

Ciel shook his head.  "No, not willingly.  I have a most unsettling feeling that something unfortunate will happen today.  I'm not really sure if I can explain it or why I feel it, but I don't like it."

Sebastian stood from tying the boy's shoes.  "This wouldn't have anything to do with the reports in the papers of disappearing young women?  Even if they are of little consequence?  In which case, you may wish to know that another has gone missing."  He brought out the morning's paper as he served a cup of tea.  "I know you sometimes prefer your paper at breakfast but it might not hurt to look now since you have this unsettling feeling.  Perhaps it will give you an avenue in which to focus your attention?"

Ciel took the paper and scanned it.  The articles were small ones, tucked further in with the less important items.  He was somewhat surprised that the Queen hadn't sent him to deal with this yet, but then, like he'd said, it only concerned people of little consequence and the Queen didn't bother with things that were fairly quiet and unobtrusive, unless she felt a desire to throw him into a difficult situation.  She must either have missed it, didn't care, or was giving him a break, which, of course, was less than likely.  She delighted in throwing him into one thing after another.

He sighed as he folded the paper.  "We should investigate this while we're there," he finally said.  "The Queen may overlook it now, but if this gets out of hand, something will be said about it.  I'd rather be a step ahead if that time comes."

Sebastian inclined a half bow. "Of course, Young Master.  And what of the rest of our party?  Openly investigating would cause problems, would it not?"

The earl frowned.  His butler had a point.  His unsettling feeling could have something to do with that, or be unrelated entirely.  There was no way of knowing.  "You will investigate secretly.  We'll bring Tanaka with us and leave Bard in charge while we're gone.  I don't suppose Lau would help us, would he?"

Sebastian lowered his head, his eyes downcast, one hand over his heart.  "Unfortunately, Lau and his associate left early this morning.  Apparently he had a client arriving early today that he didn't feel he should miss."

Ciel rolled his eyes.  "Typical.  Very well.  Make the arrangements.  I will stay with the rest of the party to keep suspicion from arousing, while you investigate the matter.  Return quickly and check back often.  Though having Tanaka may deter things, I would rather have you around as much as possible."

Sebastian went down into a full bow this time.  "Yes, My Lord."


Lizzy smiled eagerly as she walked out of the Phantomhive mansion, Paula following behind her, along with Kyo, and Tohru.  "This will be so much fun!  I can't wait to show you the best shops!"  She stopped to grab Tohru's hands in hers.  "Oh, Tohru!  To think I never knew you before this!  We have to remain the best of friends!  Promise me we will!"

Looking slightly bewildered, Tohru nodded. "Sure!"  She wasn't sure how she'd keep that promise, considering she and Kyo had talked about finding some way to get home before too long. She hadn't entirely understood everything he'd said to her last night, something about time travel and things like that, but she trusted that he had things under control.

Kyo felt hot in the jacket he was wearing over a white, button-down shirt.  He had the top button undone, and had refused to wear the accompanying ribbon, but he still felt miserable.  He wanted to throw the jacket out but hadn't when informed by Tanaka that gentlemen didn't go about town without one.  He thought it a silly rule but had decided against throwing a fit.  Instead, he tugged at the collar again.

Tanaka had the carriage at the front, ready and waiting on the drive.  He opened the door for the ladies who took up the back seat.  Kyo followed after, sitting across from them, leaving room for Ciel.

Ciel looked fed up as he walked down from the house, Sebastian following behind him.  He used his cane, a hat tipped jauntily over his grayish blue hair.  He wore a dark blue coat with matching half pants and dark shoes.  Tanaka stood respectfully to one side as Sebastian helped his young master enter the carriage.  "Don't forget, Sebastian," he said to his butler as Sebastian closed the door.

Sebastian inclined his head.  "I won't, Young Master."  He followed Tanaka to the driver's seat up top.  Once both were in place, they were on their way, the carriage rocking gently beneath them.

Lizzy resisted the urge to squeal.  "Oh, this is so exciting!  Don't you think so, Paula?  Remember, only the best shops for Tohru."

Paula nodded.  "It's a good thing we're all small," she commented as the ladies sat fairly snugly.  "Or we wouldn't be able to all fit."

Kyo looked out the window with disinterest.  Ciel glanced at Lizzy's attendant wryly.  There was plenty of room on the front seat, but then to have a female sit too close to Kyo was probably not a good idea.  They were both glad the ladies had chosen to sit together.


The carriage rattled on the cobblestones of London's streets as they entered the town.  Tohru stared out the windows.  "It's amazing!  Kyo! Look at all of the horses!  Not a car in sight!"  She still didn't know if she believed his idea that they'd gone back in time.

Lizzy glanced at her new friend, wondering what she meant by cars, but decided it must be some form of transportation they had in Japan.   "See?  I told you it was wonderful!  Just wait until you see all the shops!"

They continued to rumble into the heart of London, away from the majority of the slums, into the richer parts of town.  After a while, the carriage stopped next to some lavish looking shops, including a confectionery store.  The streets were filled with various people milling about, ladies wearing their frocks of various colors, gentlemen wearing the tailored suits and hats.  Kyo felt a little conspicuous without one, though he wasn't entirely sure why.

Tohru stepped out of the carriage, assisted by Tanaka.  Sebastian had disappeared, but she didn't notice as she looked around at all the splendor.  "Kyo!  We need to find you a nice hat," she declared, looking at all the men wearing them.

Kyo, despite feeling out of place without one, was inclined to sulk.  "Who needs one?"

Lizzy giggled.  "You do look odd without one.  Even Ciel is wearing one," she pointed out.  "And he's younger than you are!"  The two girls giggled happily.

Ciel sighed inwardly.  "At the very least, try to indulge them a little," he hissed at the older boy, only loud enough for the other to hear.  "Delighting a woman is a small thing compared to ones discomfort."

Kyo let out his own sigh. "Fine, but nothing too fancy," he assented.  "I don't want nothing with all those fancy ribbons or feathers, just something plain."

Tohru smiled.  "Sure!"

Lizzy tugged on her friend's hand.  "This way!  There's a good shop over here!"  They followed her, Ciel's cane clacking against the stones of the walkway.

Unseen by the group, and undetected by any other, a dark shadow followed.  He grinned to himself as he took in the sight of a particularly tantalizing young woman.   He would have to coerce his subordinates into procuring her, and quickly.    It was obvious from their conversation that they did not intend to stay long in Town.  He quickly slipped away to make arrangements.  It would not do to be seen himself.

Tohru looked back momentarily.  She thought she'd felt something but wasn't sure.  Had she seen a face she thought she knew?  Or was it just a slight breeze raising the hair on the back of her neck?  She wasn't sure.

Ciel watched her from behind. "Something wrong?"

She blinked, realizing the others had already gone into the shop.  She shook her head.  "No.  It's nothing.  I just thought I saw something but I guess I was mistaken."  She shrugged slightly as she entered the shop.

Ciel paused, looking around.  He couldn't see anything out of the ordinary.  His feeling from that morning hadn't gone away either.  Had she seen something to be concerned about?  Or had it been her imagination?  Either way, he thought it would be best to mention it to Sebastian when he came back, and keep his eyes open, just in case.


Several hours had passed and the Phantomhive group now sat casually at a little out of the way restaurant, eating lunch.  Tohru sighed in contentment as she finished her serving of soup.

Lizzy looked around, smiling happily.  So far it had been a rather engaging day.  She glanced over at Kyo, who, though still a bit sulky, looked like he'd begun to unwind.  "I still can't believe it took so long to find you the perfect hat," she commented.  The whole ordeal had taken almost two hours before the boy had finally found something not too fancy or expensive, even though he didn't have to pay.

Kyo looked up.  "Easy for you to say," he said.  "I never liked looking at clothes and hats are something else entirely.  Can't believe everyone here wears em."  The hat in question sat next to him where he wouldn't get food on it.

"But I think it looks really handsome on you, Kyo," Tohru giggled.  "I almost wish I could make you wear something like that back home."  Of course, she knew he'd have nothing to do with it once they returned.

Ciel watched the exchange in amusement as he sipped his tea.  The entire experience had definitely been tedious, but well worth it for the results.  He just wondered what had been keeping Sebastian all this time.

As if right on cue, Sebastian entered the restaurant, walking casually towards them.  "My apologies," he said right off to Ciel, speaking quietly.  "My errand has been more complicated than I previously believed it would be."

Ciel raised his eyebrows.  "Complicated?"

The butler bent closer to Ciel, to whisper into his ear. "I managed to track down several people who were in the area at the time of the disappearances, but none of them can account for how the women disappeared, only that it seemed to have occurred very quickly.  I also went to the locations of each disappearance to look for signs of other involvement but was unable to find anything outside of human involvement."

The earl frowned.  "How were they accomplished so quickly then?  This definitely doesn't bode well.  I trust you talked to Lau about this?"

Sebastian nodded.  "I did, but he seems as clueless as usual."

Ciel rolled his eyes.  "Very well.  We should both take a trip to the Undertaker sometime soon, but not right now. I have a few concerns myself."  And he quickly told his butler of Tohru's strange behavior earlier.

Unaware of the conversation going on right next to them, Kyo, Tohru, and Lizzy continued to banter back and forth, pulling Paula into the conversation.  Tanaka stood quietly to one side, not commenting on either end.

"You're right to be suspicious," Sebastian agreed once the details had been related.  "It would seem that Miss Tohru's senses are either more acute than we thought, or something else is going on.  Either way, it would definitely be wise to keep an eye on her."

Ciel tapped his teacup absently with one finger.  Should he have Sebastian remain with them, waiting to see if something did happen, or send him out again to continue investigating the other matter?  He wasn't sure which was the best course.  His feeling of unease had not decreased.  Something was going on, but was it related to the matter at hand?

Sebastian watched these thoughts pass across the boy's face.  "If the Young Master is having doubts, perhaps it is best to have me stay nearby, in case something does occur.  Your safety, and that of your guests, is paramount.  But, in the end, you know I will do as you wish, so long as it does not end our contract prematurely."

The boy sighed.  "Very well, Sebastian.  Our investigation in this other matter can wait.  Perhaps I'll have more peace of mind knowing you are keeping an eye out for things that I might miss here."

"Very good," Sebastian said in his normal voice, giving a half bow before straightening up.  It looked like everyone had finished eating.  "I will bring the carriage around.  Is there any other attraction that should be sought after while we are still in Town?"

Lizzy looked up at Sebastian's words. "Oh!  Yes!  Please!  I wanted to show Tohru the Royal Palace before we went back.  That is, if it's all right with you." She glanced at Ciel shyly.

Tohru clapped her hands in delight. "Oh!  That would be amazing!  I've never seen the Royal Palace before!"

Ciel glanced up at Sebastian who merely smiled back.  "I suppose there's no harm in it.  We may even walk about outside as they do not usually allow casual visitors inside."  He didn't mention that he was one of those who generally was allowed past the gates, but the view was quite lovely, and it would hopefully set Lizzy into less of a tizzy knowing everyone had at least seen the major points of interest.

Sebastian bowed.  "I will return shortly with the carriage."  He moved away at a leisurely pace, though he was really scanning the area for any potential trouble as he went, leaving Tanaka to look after the party for a few minutes.
Here's another chapter to enjoy
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